A happy truck driver leans out of his window to smile at the camera.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Does KCH Transportation have a quickpay program?

Yes. There is a 3% fee, and it pays in 3-5 business days.

What are KCH Transportation’s payment terms for carriers?

Standard Pay terms are 30 days from the date of receiving all correct and legible paperwork.

Does KCH Transportation work with carriers with a conditional safety rating?

No, our insurance does not allow us to use carriers with a conditional safety rating.

What types of loads does KCH Transportation have?

KCH Transportation offers loads for various equipment types and lanes. This includes short hauls, long hauls, multi-stops, teams, and expedited. Check out Our Services for information about equipment types. If you have any additional questions, contact our Carrier Sales team.

How do I submit my load completion paperwork to KCH Transportation?

Send all load paperwork to billing@kchtrans.com. If you want quickpay, send your paperwork to payments@kchtrans.com.

What are KCH Transportation’s insurance requirements for carriers?

KCH requires a minimum of $1,000,000 in automobile liability and $100,000 in motortruck cargo.

Still have questions
about becoming a carrier?

If you need additional assistance with applying or have more questions, please contact our Carrier Sales team!

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